our school

The 3rd Gymnasium of Chania is located in the city of Chania, the second largest city of Crete with a population of about 54,000 inhabitants. The school is located in the center of the town and it is one of the oldest schools of Chania. It is a public school with 214 students aged 12-15 years old. It provides a 3-year compulsory education.
The 3rd Junior High School is housed in a building whose construction began in 1973 and was completed in 1977. At the beginning it ran as a girls gymnasium and until 2006 it was named “4th Junior High School”. It was renowned for the academic success of its students.
Till 2013 it had been working in a double morning-afternoon shift along with another school, and due to the increased number of students, many of the rooms which were supposed to be multi-functional, were turned into classrooms so as to cater for the lack of classrooms.
In 2013, after years of pressure to the education and local authorities, stakeholders decided for the two schools to co-house. However, the lack in premises and infrastructure is still evident. Yet, the level of education provided is quite adequate, since both the school staff and the students are doing their best to achieve quality education.
Its function and effectiveness is based, almost exclusively, on its human resources which compensates for the major lack of facilities. The building is dysfunctional and inadequate and evident is the need for updating in many areas, which, though, seems not feasible in the environment of the current economic crisis.

about us
Hi there! Do you know us? No, so let us introduce ourselves! We are the students of the second grade of the 3rd High School in Chania, Greece. We have created this webpage to record the whole process towards realizing the Erasmus KA2 project we will be involved in for the current and next school year.
The participation of the school in an international education programme is a way to compensate its students and teachers for this lack of facilities of our school building and prove that despite this deficiency, the school is eager to face new education challenges, work towards an internationalization of education and towards an improvement of the professional skills of its participants.
What distinguishes us is our love for learning and open-mindedness concerning embracing innovative educational practices. As a school community, we seek after broadening their horizons and cultivate our skills. We are open to new ideas, diligent, with a cooperative spirit and a willingness to come up to the expectations of a contemporary educational reality.
We have realized that multiculturalism is a cornerstone for unity in diversity, that the lack of language competence is a barrier to social equality and inclusion, and that youth entrepreneurship is a key tool to develop the human capital necessary for the future, unleash the economic potential of youth, and promote sustainable growth. Therefore, we aspire for the implementation of innovative learning practices and exchange of know-how through intercultural awareness and towards a competitive educational environment.
Towards this goal, for the past 3 years, our school has been involved in e-twinning projects which have been valuable experience for the participants. Within this context, educational exchanges were also realized. All teachers and students involved gained educational, cultural and social benefits.
Within the Erasmus KA2 project, our school has created collaboration with 3 schools in Spain, Austria and Poland respectively. The title of the project is 'BECOMING SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS: 'Social Entrepreneurship to activate the Beating of our Schools and Towns'. The coordinator is the school in Catalonia.
The project will help the students understand, what Social Entrepreneurship is. More specifically, this project aspires to offer the students the opportunity to learn the treasures of our country and sensitize them to volunteering. We want to promote sport tourism through recording hiking trails of our place. Through parallel entrepreneurships activities, like soap and cloth shopping bags making we will try to show other people how easy it is to help for a better world and leave a trace on making a better world.
Fringe benefits of this experience will be to become competent users of English and computer literate. The project with its aims and objectives fits very much into the curriculum and it can be a useful tool for everyone involved as it makes active students. It can be incorporated into the curriculum since it covers the needs analysis requirements and sets clearly defined learning outcomes.
Taking into consideration that such projects promote sensitiveness towards cultural and European identity issues and further reinforcement of intercultural capacities, we can’t wait to fully experience it.